Old News
Things that were on the first page, but are not new anymore.
- Interesting stuff: Underwater cables: About, Cable Map
- Is your GPS being jammed?
- Great site about antennas and stuff.
- C4FM on HF Facebook Group
- North Shore Amateur Radio Club (NS9RC.org)
- Where’s the Pi? Raspberry Pi’s are hard to come by. Fortunately there is the Raspberry Pi Locater.
- Maybe a good external Bluetooth transceiver for Yaesu’s HT’s? Pryme BT-502
- 2200 mAh battery for the FT-70: https://batteriesamerica.com/products/sbr-24li
- W4IOD’s Good Operating Practices for Fusion Repeaters and Nodes
- FT-5D main firmware update. See the Fusion Help page.
- Interesting article on decrypting and examining the FT-70D firmware. Same techniques would apply to any of the radios. Article also links to one on the FT1DR that goes into the various tools for the Renesas microprocessor that Yaesu uses.
- IMRS: Having problems with connections dropping. Firmware 1.4.4 is available privately. See the Firmware and Software Versions and the Fusion Identification Cheat Sheet on the Fusion Help page.
- 1200 W Amplifier Destructo Durby
- Hamvention 2018 Recap Net audio posted
- Tower Time Lapse Video – Taken at a proposed Fusion tower site
- Using the FT-991 with Ham Radio Deluxe Updated 03-Oct-2016
- DR2X Brochure
- Dayton 2017 Fusion Presentation
- FTM-100 Tx Power Adjustment 24-Apr-2017
- HamOperator is now using HTTPS security.
- Added download of older 2.04 firmware for the FT1DR to address problems with 2.07 firmware where digital reception would randomly stop.
- Added Sept 2016 FT-991 firmware for those who wish to roll back from the current release (5-Dec-2016)
- MNWIS statistics
- 26-Mar-2016: Fusion Nets (“live” document) – send updates!
- FT-991 and DR-1X (1.10) Firmware updates List of current current firmware
- 4-Jun-2016: HT power consumption document updated with more information and comparisons with the FT60 and VX8 on the Fusion Help page
- 22-Jan-2016: YouTube Channel with thermal imaging of the FTM-400 and the 444.525/444.075 repeaters
- 13-Mar-2016: Info on setting Fusion clocks on the Fusion Help page.
- 23-Jan-2016: Added Photos section.
- 22-Jan-2016: Added a page for the Fusion Net.
- 15-Jan-2016: New cheat sheet on Fusion Identification on the Fusion Help page
- 8-Jan-2016: Yet more firmware and software updates on the Fusion Help page.
- 19-Dec-2015: The next Fusion Breakfast will be on Jan 16, 2016 at 9:00 AM.
- 25-Oct-2015: Slides from the 3-Oct-2015 presentation “Why Digital” are now available on-line.
- 27-Dec-2015: Check the new downloads section over on the Fusion Help Page!