MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493

Picture of the Week


18 Jul 2022: A crack in the FT5 case. The discussion is taking place on Twitter.

Crack in FT5 case

13 June 2022: An outage at the data center just before the start of the net. Argh!!! View Here.

23 May 2022, photo of the board used in the FTM-400 radio. The Li-ion GPS backup-up battery is circled.

FTM-400 Display Panel. The Li-Ion backup battery is circled.

16 May 2022 we have a single photo. This is a commercial installation at a water tank @580 meters ASL in Escondido, CA. It seemed a rather unique and poor way to run the feed line. Not good to have the feed line up against the antenna. And who knew the antenna would tilt? Probably a good idea to run a more substantial support. Why not just mount the antenna to the pole?

For May 9, 2022 we have pictures from space.

The folks down under are doing a lot of work with high altitude balloons. They recently did a launch and our fellow MNWiser, VK5JP, received and posted his pictures as he tracked the launch. If the payload looks familiar, they’re using a repurposed Visalia R41 Radiosonde, the same model that was featured in another “Picture of the Week” (below).

Here are the links:


Discussion of the launch

For April 25, 2022 we explore a low-cost laser diode.



Image 1 of 7

This week we have the ultimate T-hunt – a weather balloon that has been to the edge of space. 


Crack in FT5 case

Image 2 of 21

Last Updated on July 19, 2022 by K9EQ

Views: 80