MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493


image_pdfimage_print was created to present a creative aspect to Amateur Radio. It is intended to covery a variety of subjects with a focus on learning, experimenting, teaching, trying, building, and failing. All in the interest of fun and development.

Your comments are appreciated.

Chris, K9EQ

HamOperator is built using WordPress which runs on PHP and is served using Apache

HamOperator is and has been hosted by IONOS since July 2013. The server we run on was recently upgraded to a dual processor system using Intel Xeon Gold 6130 CPUs (125 W TDP, $1,900 retail, 16 cores, 32 threads, 22MB Cache) with 32 cores total and 198 GB of RAM! The system is shared between HamOperator and other IONOS customers. This arrangement allows us to provide a lot of capability at low cost.

The server is in a secure hosting facility in Pennsylvania and has high bandwidth access to the Internet backbone.

If you are interested in IONOS products, please click on the following:

Shared Hosting (what HamOperator uses)

Website Builder (simple, easy web sites)

Virtual Servers

Cloud Services

E-Mail Server


Calendar Test (Google)

Podcast Feed

  • Visit for more information. From the 1-May-2023 BARS Fusion Technical Net on the MNWis network.   Subjects: Yaesu releases a new version of WiRES-X software. What changed? Hams have started showing […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 24-Apr-2023 BARS Fusion Technical Net on the MNWis network.   Subjects: What's the difference between a node and a room? Is WiRES-X Fusion? Who's a […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 10-Apr-2023 BARS Fusion Technical Net on the MNWis network.   Subjects: With the FTM-500 coming out people want to know if they should buy a […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 3-Apr-2023 BARS Fusion Technical Net on the MNWis network.   Subjects: How long does it take for the FCC to approve a radio? Problem with […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 27-Mar-2023 MNWis Fusion Technical Net   Subjects: When should you charge your HT? What V/UHF radios can be CAT (computer) controlled? And more.   Please […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 20-Mar-2023 MNWis Fusion Technical Net   Subjects: Part 2 of the HT battery discussion. Tonight we compare the 3.8 Ah battery from Batteries America against […]
  • Visit for more information. From the 13-Mar-2023 MNWis Fusion Technical Net   Subjects: Batteries for your HT part one. Comparison of two major brands. What's different. What's the same. Is one […]

Last Updated on February 6, 2023 by K9EQ

Views: 37310