MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM Central 0030 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493



Latest News

Hamvention 2024 photos are available here.

WXScheduler Installer 2.6.1a is now available.

“Cheats” for the FTM-500 and other radios

Heard This Week on the Net

Streaming and Podcasts

Live streaming of the MNWis net at:

Previous nets and podcasts are HERE.

Updates and Information

Chris, K9EQ, will be presenting “Why Digital” to the Palomar ARC on Wednesday July 5th at 7:00 PM Pacific. You can watch the presentation on the Palomar ARC website. Abstract:

So why use digital at all? Because it’s different and new or because it offers capabilities that were not possible with analog FM? So, “Why Digital?”

Chris will give an overview of Yaesu System Fusion, which is the “fusion” of FM and digital. He’ll discuss Fusion’s performance (better than FM) and many things it allows a Ham to do. Examples will be given of how it can be used while hiking or adventuring with others, communications for special events and emergency responses, networking of repeaters and stations and why its is more reliable and robust, sending messages, taking pictures. And having more fun!

The WXScheduler program has been updated. See This Post.

BARS sponsors a Fusion Technical Net held Monday’s  at 7:30 PM Central Time (0130 Tuesday UTC Day) in Room #21493 and YSF #21,493 as well as a number of Fusion Repeaters. Everyone is welcome!

Fusion Help – help and tip sheets, technical information, and other Fusion resources. (Link to old page)

Yaesu Fusion Blog – Hints and help from your first Fusion contact to installing and operating a Fusion repeater. This blog presents to the experiences of over 20 Hams who operate Yaesu Fusion equipment. (Link to old blog)

Use the Chat Function during the net to chat with other listeners and net control.


Looking for links to interesting pages. Try the links page HamOperator->Links

All sorts of fun and interesting links posted.

Mobile Digital updates for WiRES-X and FTM-1/400

We now have Old News

MNWIS Real-Time Reports Includes connected nodes, Last Heard and other information

List of Fusion Nets and connections

Recommended Fusion Simplex Frequencies

Good cheap HF antennas:  The K0ZE/K9EQ Antenna Shootout

Windows Tips and Troubleshooting (USB)

25-Mar-2016: How to set up Windows 7 and 10 for WiRES-X 24x7x365 remote operation on the Fusion Help page.

Tower Time Lapse Video – Taken at the MNWis Pine County repeater site


The Shopping Page has been updated with old stuff gone and new stuff added.

HF HamOperating

Icom AH-4 Universal Tuner. The Official K9EQ Unofficial Icom AH-4 Tuner Page. It’s not just about working all bands. It’s also about building practical, cheap, antennas that you can design and put together with stuff from Home Depot. Find out why 50 ohms and aluminum are evil. Did I mention cheap?

Other Stuff

K9EQ’s Amateur Radio Rules. Sometimes we need rules. Sometimes we don’t. Do we need these rules? You decide! (Updated 27-Apr-2020)

Last Updated on May 22, 2024 by K9EQ

Views: 143870