MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493

FT70D High Power Problems


The other day I was working my Fusion repeater with my FT70D. Since I was “DX” I had the HT on high power. Although it looked like I was getting into the repeater just fine, I couldn’t enter the WiRES-X control mode. However when I switched to low power I WAS able to control the repeater.

What gives? Why could I control the repeater (node) on high power, but not on low power?

Back at the house where my repeater is located, the problem still existed. I could use the WiRES-X control mode on low power but not on high power. Since I’m within 10 meters of the repeater, signal strength couldn’t be an issue.

Looking at the output spectrum of the FT70 revealed the problem. On high power there were some spurs that shouldn’t have been there. The spurs were much weaker on low power. Other radios didn’t exhibit the spurs. Click on the images to compare and see the details.

FT70D spectrum on low power
FT70D on High Power
FT70D on High Power

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by K9EQ

Views: 123