MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493

Month: August 2019


The HamOperator YSF Reflector is currently supporting MNWis, US Kentucky, and America-Link. A test reflector runs at US K9EQ. A project has been going on at the HamOperator to improve the YSF Reflector software. Why do this? The original software is very basic and offers very little capability and control. It also creates a HUGE problem when trying to bridge YSF hotspots to WiRES-X rooms because it just passes the data along with no filtering. That means whatever garbage gets Read more…

A problem exits with YSF/MMDVM hotspots bridging to WiRES-X rooms. Here’s what happens. A user has a hotspot and accesses it using a Fusion HT. They use the WiRES-X control mode to change the hotspot to different YSF Reflectors. Let’s say the user wants to access MNWis (Room #21,493): They enter the number of the YSF Reflector, “US MNWis 21493”, which is 37,624. The hotspot switches to US MNWis 21493 which is bridged to WiRES-X Room # 21,493. The user Read more…