MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493



Update: WXScheduler 2.7.5 is available. The 2.7.5 installer is here.

WXScheduler is a program that allows WiRES-X nodes to automatically switch to a Room or Node at a predetermined date and time. It’s written in Python, but we now have a Windows installer which does not require the installation of Python. 

The old 2.6.1 installer is available here. The Github repository is here.

If you experience problems, please use the Fusion Technical Net to report them (preferred), via Github issues, or email.

Update 14 Feb 2024: Users that have OneDrive on their computer but have disabled it report problems running the program. The program looks for the OneDrive folder. If it exists, it installs the configuration file there. If it doesn’t exist, it uses the local directory on the C: drive.

More information:

WXScheduler was written by Bill, W9LBR. It has been packaged as an .exe with a Windows installer by Chris K9EQ. In addition, the following changes have been made.
– 2023-01-10 2.5.1 Removed radioID error messages from the log (there were too many of them and they didn’t add value)
Added an icon for the program
– 2023-02-12 2.6.1a Clicking the ‘x’ button on the scheduler menu no longer causes the program to crash

The installer creates a WXScheduler directory under the WIRESXA directory where the Yaesu software lives. It installs the following files:
– Readme.txt, this text
– WXScheduler.pyw, the Python source file
– WXScheduler.ico, the icon file
– WXScheduler.exe, the executable
– Uninstal.exe, the program to uninstall WXScheduler

The uninstaller removes these files and the directory. It does not remove the .json
configuration file one directory above.

The packaged version displays the GUI without a shell console. If you want the console as well,
rename the file to *.py instead of *.pyw. You’ll then need to open up a shell (command prompt)
and launch with a 32-bit Python interpreter as in: “C:\python32”.
The source code is available at
Also see for more information about WXScheduler.

Drop in on the Fusion Technical Net to discuss the program. The net is held Monday at 7:30 PM US Central time in Room or YSF 21493.

Bill has done a fantastic job with this program. I hope that my minor additions make it easier for
a wider audience to benefit from it.

Note that the WXScheduler is either stored in the \OneDrive\Documents\WIRESXA folder, if it exists, or in the user’s Documents\WIRESXA folder. So if you can’t find it in your WIRESXA folder, you may have OneDrive so look there.

Bill’s original text file, WXScheduler.txt, follows:

WXscheduler.pyw is a Python 3 program that automates certain aspects of Wires-X Room/Node connections according
to a user defined schedule.

Schedulable operations:
– Settings->Call settings
– Unlimited TOT
– TOT(TimeOut Timer)
– Settings->General settings
– Round QSO Room connection
– Accept calls while in Round QSO Rooms
– Back to Round QSO after disconnect
– Return to Room
– Room ID
– Connect <Node/Room>
– Disconnect
– Restart Wires-X App

Immediate operation:
– Force Disconnect

Scheduler Settings Example (Automatically reconnects after network glitch):

– MnWis Fusion Net every Monday 7:30pm US/Central time

– First segment (net usually lasts at least 60 minutes)
Occurs: [every]
Week Day: [Mon]
Hour: [19]
Minute: [28]
Event’s Timezone: [US/Central]
Description: [start MnWis Fusion Net]
[x] RoundQSO Room connection
[ ] Accept calls while in Round QSO Rooms
[x] Back to Round QSO after disconnect
[x] Return to Room
Room ID: [MNWIS]
[x] Unlimited TOT
TOT(TimeOut Timer): [60]
Command: [Disconnect]
Argument: [ ]

– Second segment (net running over 60 minutes – switch to LocFav-ROOM on timeout)
Occurs: [every]
Week Day: [Mon]
Hour: [20]
Minute: [30]
Event’s Timezone: [US/Central]
Description: [after MnWis Fusion Net]
[x] RoundQSO Room connection
[x] Accept calls while in Round QSO Rooms
[x] Back to Round QSO after disconnect
[x] Return to Room
Room ID: [LocFav-ROOM]
[ ] Unlimited TOT
TOT(TimeOut Timer): [10]
Command: [none]
Argument: [ ]

NOTE #1: WXscheduler.pyw MUST BE RUN ON THE SAME WINDOWS PC and under the SAME USER ID as
the Wires-X PC application.

NOTE #2: When the Windows screen is LOCKED, this prevents WXscheduler’s scheduled keyboard/mouse
automation from occuring. Suggest: [Settings->System->Power&Sleep->Screen turn off after NEVER]

WXscheduler v2.5 updates:
– Schedule settings now require a Timezone parameter.
– Compensation for Daylight Savings Time is now automatic on a per timezone basis
– Load Python Timezone package using Windows Command Prompt:
pip install pytz
– WXscheduler.cfg is now more portable and user editable
– User’s HOME path is now resolved at run time and no longer saved in WXscheduler.cfg
– JSON data fields are now saved in pretty mode
– When WXscheduler-v2.5 detects an existing WXscheduler.cfg without timezone data fields,
the user will be prompted to set their local timezone value and all existing events will
be updated with the local timezone value.
– WXscheduler’s main window:
– Scheduled events are displayed in chronological order
– When the main window is moved, its new position is remembered. And all sub-windows
will be opened in the same position. This replaces PySimpleGUI’s default of centering
window within the display.
– [Add Event] and [Delete Event] buttons have been replaced with the [Scheduler] button that
when clicked provides a new window with buttons: [New] [Delete] [Update] [Cancel]

WXscheduler v2.4 updates:
– Additional exception debug information
– Changed main window title from “Wires-X Scheduler” to “WXscheduler (v…)”

WXscheduler v2.3 update:
At startup determines whether Microsoft OneDrive is active or not and locates
the Documents/WIRESXA and user/Desktop folders accordingly.

WXscheduler v2.2 updates:
At startup verifies:
– Wires-X.exe is accessable at its standard location
– /Users/????/Documents/WIRESXA folder is accessable (where WXscheduler.cfg is stored)

WXscheduler v2.1 updates:
Better displays exception information
Shows expected WIRESXA pathname to last heard data file

WXscheduler v2.0 update adds:
Display Last Heard information that the Wires-X application updates once a minute.
If available, Lat/Lon displayed as 6-character Grid Square.

Wxscheduler v1.3 updates:
Last Heard information now correctly displays the newer Yaesu models
(i.e. FT5-D, FTM-200, and FTM-500)
Desktop\Wires-X_Last_Heard.html contains hypertext encoded callsigns
that perform a callsign lookup.

Prerequisites (versions below are what was tested on):

Windows PC (win7 and higher)
Wires-x App (Ver-1.550)
Python 3 (32-bit) because Wires-X App uses the win32 UI
site-packages: PySimpleGUI, pywinauto, pytz

Installing Python:

Recommend going to
to find a Python release that matches Windows on your PC.

After installing Python, use a CMD window to load site-packages:
– pip install pywinauto PySimpleGui pytz

Installing WXscheduler.pyw:

Copy WXscheduler.pyw to your Desktop

Double click on the WXscheduler.pyw icon to launch the program.

Hint: To see any startup or run time issues:
– Open a CMD window
– Copy WXscheduler.pyw



Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by K9EQ

Views: 771