MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493



The MNWis Fusion Technical Net is held Monday nights at 7:30 CST (0130 UTC Tuesday, 0030 UTC Summer time) in WiRES-X Room #21,493 and on the MNWIS repeaters. The net is also available via YSF “US MNWis”, #21,493. The net is open to anyone interested.

MNWis Live Data (Who’s on, who was on)

MNWis YSF Reflector Dashboard

List of all stations heard on MNWIS Jan 1, 2016 – Mar 6, 2017


MNWis Chat

Try the MNWis Chat Room during the net!


MNWis is bridged to YSF #21,493 at the Dayton repeater. (Whatever is on Dayton goes out over YSF.)

MNWis Repeaters


RepeaterFrequency (FM)LocationNotes*
W0MDT-MV444.525+ (D025)Mounds View, MN1
W0MDT-DAY443.250+ (D023)Dayton, MN1
W0MDT-PC146.955- (146.2)Pine County, MN (Wide Area)1
W0MDT-RF147.225+River Falls, WI1
K9EQ444.075Mounds View, MN (D025)1, 2
W0RRC145.39+ (D047)Richfield, MN3
N0JOL443.975 (114.8)Isanti, MN3
W0BU444.300+Burnsville, MN3
W0MTA145.075SBox Elder, SD3
N7YO449.500-Great Falls, MT3
NS9RC147.345+Highland Park, IL3
AB8DT443.075+Cedar Springs, MI3
K9EQ-RPT445.540-Escondido, CA4
*1=Full time, *2=Connected to other networks, *3=Not operated by MNWis, may not be on MNWis *4=Moving to 448.860-, split between MNWis #21,493 and SoCalHam #21,042. Covers northern San Diego through southern San Clemente.

Last Updated on May 5, 2023 by K9EQ

Views: 960