MNWis Fusion Technical Net
Monday Night 7:30 PM CDT 0130 UTC
WiRES-X: MNWis #21,493
YSF: “US MNWis RDNT”, #21,493

Running two HRI-200’s on one IP Address


I use VyprVPN from GoldenFrog. It is necessary to turn of NAT for your account. That means that each VPN connection is a raw connection straight to the Internet. YOU HAVE NO PROTECTION OTHER THAN WHAT YOU PROVIDE!!! (The same company will rent you a VPN that you can host on your own cloud provider where you can control port forwarding – but I suspect this is well beyond most folks.)

I’ve been using this solution for over a year. If you’ve ever seen me demonstrate WiRES-X, I’m either using AT&T/cell or the local Wifi along with the VPN to get access to the incoming ports.
Good news! My fully patched and maintained Win7 boxes have not yet been hacked. One of which has been online via VPN for over a year.
Most VPNs won’t work because they don’t give users their own IP. The VPN host shares IPs between multiple users which means they can support more users with fewer IPs (and better obscures your traffic). I’m only aware of two VPN providers that allow you to specify incoming ports.
The previous post of using the Ham’s IP space is a good one. I plan on giving that a try when I have time. But VyprVPN is very much plug-and-play.
Note: You will need to PAY for VyprVPN (~$70/yr). The free service does not allow you to disable NAT.

Last Updated on October 6, 2020 by K9EQ

Views: 69